Systemic Constellations

Do you recognize the unstable feeling, of what you do not know where it comes from? Are you sometimes inexplicably restless? Do you notice that you are following family patterns and do you want to break this? The majority of our behavior is driven by unconscious motives, such as emotions and beliefs. You can do a constellation on almost anything, for example:
• Past lives,
• Your time in the womb,
• Your relationship,
• Your job,
• If the sale of your house is stagnating.

A constellation makes it clear where the stagnation is and in the constellation we can immediately work on a solution. You get new insights and energy can flow again.

We start with guided meditation. This brings you more in contact with your subconscious and helps you to find images and experiences.

A few people may choose to experience a constellation. Representing and experiencing the attitude of another is also a great enrichment. With the support of the group you get the chance to work out a question and experience what your sources of power are and what is obstructs you during the constellation. Depending on your process, people from the group represent people, events or things. This is a powerful experience that helps you gain more insight into your life. It gives access to your own power, trust and meaning, and helps you to reconcile fundamentally with obstacles.

25 euros or $40 NZ for participants,
55 euros or $90 NZ for persons who want to do a constellation.

Place: in spring and summer in Auckland, Wellington or Christchurch NZ.

For more information phone: NZ 022 066 8244 or